Friday 18 May 2012

Healthy Hands, Feet and Nails

Your hands, feet and nails, if you're anything like me, are easily forgotten when it comes to taking care of your skin. We walk on, touch and consume hundreds of things in a day and our feet, hand and nails are what take the bulk of the damage.

It is very important to take care of these parts of your body, not just for aesthetic purposes, but also for your health, as many chemicals and bacteria can enter your body from simply walking on them, touching them, or having them under your nails and then put in your mouth.

Another point I wanted to make, is that this is not only important for women, but for men too. Many men think it is emasculating to take care of your skin, but the benefits can be outstanding. So if you, your partner, your brother, son or even dad are one of those people, get them to have a read of my posts, and if anything this one, and get them on board in my 'Skin Health Revolution" as it could prove to enhance their lives too.

You touch everything with your hands and if you're a tradie, gardener, artist, cleaner, parent, or anything really, you will experience a great amount of wear and tear. Due to all this use, hands can become dry, cracked, inflamed, rough and basically unpleasant, so that is why it is important to take care of them.

Hand Scrubs

Hand scrubs, particularly sugar hand scrubs are fantastic for removing dead skin cells, excess dirt and grime, even cement and paint, but they are gentle enough to not cause more damage to your hands and you don't have to go through the effort of repeating a hand scrub every day. In fact, unless your hands are particularly dry, cracked and worn, scrubs can be used anywhere from once a week to once a month. Here are just a few.

Basic Homemade Sugar Scrub
  • 1 1/2 cups Organic Raw Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you want to give it a yummy smell, add your favourite 100% pure essential oil and voila! It is as simple as mixing these goodies together, storing them in a sanitised jar (decorate with cute labels if you like) and applying whenever your hands need a little extra something extra.

Directions for use: Put a small amount of scrub in your palm and gently rub into damp skin on your hand. Rinse thoroughly under luke warm water and pat dry.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub
  • 2 cups Organic Brown Sugar
  • 1 cup Organic Raw Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Vitamin E Oil
  • 3/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tbs Pure Vanilla Extract
First, mix your sugars together until there are no lumps and bumps in the mix, then add oils and vanilla extract, and mix until smooth, then store in a sanitised jar. Warning: Any products made with oils in them that you want to remain liquified should not be stored in the fridge as this will cause them to solidify.

Directions for use: Run your hands under cool water first to loosen and open pores. Apply a small amount of scrub and rub all over your hands gently. Leave for a few minutes to let the beautiful oils absorb into your skin, then rinse under luke warm water and pat dry.

Smoothing Sugar Scrub
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 cup Organic Raw Sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups Almond Oil
  • 1 tbs Vitamin E
  • 1-2 drops 100% Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • 1-2 drops 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil
Mix dry ingredients together than add wet ingredients and stir until combined. Application of this scrub is the same as the Vanilla Sugar Scrub.

So that is just a few of my scrub inventions and recommendations, but I think they're the best working recipes for your hands. So why not organise a girls-night-in and have a pampering session, or for those men afraid of looking after their skin, make them a jar of scrub and send them on their way. I bet he'll be fascinated enough to try it!

Hand Moisturisers

Moisturisers are so important for maintaining skin health and your hands are just as in need of moisture, if not more than your whole body because of everything we handle on an average day which can cause drying, flaking and sometimes allergic reactions. Hand creams need to lock in moisture, more than your average moisturisers do, as our daily wear and tear such as washing dishes, gardening, building, and much more cause severe damage and drying. If you apply a thick cream, damage caused by these things will be diminished, even with only one 
daily use, because when moisture is locked in, it becomes a barrier from everything else your hands touch.
Almond Hand Cream
  • 1/4 cup Natural Beeswax
  • 1/2 cup Almond Oil
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 cup Rosewater
Melt the beeswax and coconut oil over a double boiler, or if you don't have one, melt in a heatproof jug in the microwave. Add all other ingredients and mix together until a consistent mass. Pour into a sanitised jar and allow to cool. This mix will become firm and it makes about half a cups worth. Warning: If using a microwave make sure it is an 800 watt machine, as melting is more efficient in higher wattage machines. Also, when melting beeswax, make sure you are not using a heatproof jug that you use for other cooking etc as beeswax is hard to remove from kitchenware.

Directions for use: Apply a small amount on dry skin (preferably after using a scrub) and massage into skin until absorbed.

Apricot Hand Moisturiser
  • 6 Dried Apricots
  • 30g Natural Beeswax 
  • 2 cups Water
  • 1 cup Apricot Oil
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Oil 
  • 1/2 cup Aloe Vera Gel
  • 5 Vitamin E Capsules (broken open) 
Using a saucepan, bring the water and dried apricots to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes, then set aside to cool down. Using a double boiler, combine beeswax, apricot oil and coconut oil, stirring constantly for about 10 minutes. Pour this into a glass jug and leave aside. Blend the water and apricots until smooth, strain using a gauze and discard the solids. Pour the liquid back into the blender, add aloe Vera and Vitamin E capsules. Blend and slowly drizzle the beeswax mix into the blender and continue with blending until the mix resembles frosting. Pour the mixture into sanitised glass jars and store in a cool and dry place. The mix will harden as soon as it cools down.

Directions for use: Apply liberally every time you wash your hands to prevent hands from drying.

On the Go Hand Moisturisers

Okay, so you could just make small jars of the above hand creams to take with you, but there are simpler, easier options too.

Almond Oil - This oil is a rich source of Vitamin E and Vitamin D, and is suitable for ALL skin types. It has been proven to moisturise better and deeper, it soothes skin irritation and inflammation, it relieves dry and itching skin and it makes skin smooth and soft with deep nourishing while not causing you to feel oily afterwards, and that's just to name a few of it's benefits. Just carry some in your purse and apply as needed.

Calendula Oil - This oil is a common herbal remedy for skin conditions and no first aid kit should be without it. It is an anti-inflammatory, an antibacterial and an antiseptic, and it just makes your skin feel beautiful, fresh and healthy. As with Almond Oil, you can carry this in your bag and apply when needed.

Vitamin E Oil - This oil is a very versatile substance. It promotes healing and is a very strong antioxidant. It helps prevent the signs of ageing and reduces wrinkles, it reduces the appearance of scars and brown spots and it leaves your skin soft, supple and fresh. It is recommended that you include Vitamin E supplements in your diet, so hopefully you have some in the house. Just keep some in a zip lock bag in your purse, pin prick one capsule to release oils and voila, you have a moisturiser on the go.


Your feet carry the weight of the world. Well not quite, but they carry the weight of your body which puts a lot of pressure on them. Not to mention the surfaces we walk on, the shoes we wear and the extra loads we sometimes carry. All these things put immense stress on our feet which causes them to become sore, cracked, dry and just unpleasant at times. 

Foot Baths

Foot baths are not only a fantastic way to unwind at the end of a long week, but they also relieve stress in your feet, soothe aches and pains, and give them a much needed moisture boost. Even giving yourself a yummy foot bath once a fortnight will massively change the appearance of your feet.


Peppermint and Lemon Foot Bath
  • 1 cup Epsom Salts
  • 4 drops 100% Pure Lemon Essential Oil
  • 4 drops 100% Pure Peppermint Essential Oil  
Simply add the essential oils to the Epsom Salts and store in a sanitised, sealed jar in a cool, dry place.

Directions for use: Add 1 tablespoon of this mixture to warm water in a foot bath once a week.

Milk Foot Bath
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1/2 cup Lemon Juice
  • 2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Almond Oil
This foot bath is very moisturising which is ideal. You can repeat this foot bath as many times a week as you like.

Directions for use: Add all the ingredients to warm water in a foot bath and soak for as long as desired.

Coffee and Cinnamon Foot Bath
  • 2 tbs Coffee Beans or Ground Coffee Beans
  • 1 tbs Ground Cinnamon
Brew two cups of coffee and add the cinnamon. Side note: Do not feel alarmed about putting coffee in your foot baths, coffee not only wakes you up but it energises and stimulates your skin as well.

Directions for use: Poor it in your food bath and soak away. 

Foot Exfoliants

Exfoliating your feet can be simple and cheap! It is so important to exfoliate your feet, because not only do they become sore, they can get dry and cracked, and this will remove those dead skin cells which will leave them smoother and softer. As with foot baths, you do not have to exfoliate your feet everyday, but doing this once a week, in combination with your foot bath will make the absolute difference to sore, dry, worn feet.

Pumice Stone

Pumice is a textural term for a volcanic rock which is a solidified frothy lava. Pumice is typically created when superheated, highly pressurised rock is violently ejected from a volcano. Alternatively it can be formed when lava and water are mixed together. Most pumice is light enough that it will float on water.

Directions for use: Make sure your feet are nice and soft by soaking them prior to exfoliating, such as in a foot bath or while you are taking a shower. You will then need to wet the stone. Now, taking caution, rub the pumice in a back-and-fourth motion on rough patches, but do so gently. Do so for about 30 seconds and move to the next patch. When you are done, rinse you feet thoroughly and pat dry. Side note: Be aware that removing all rough patches on you feet will take time and using this method will not rid of the problem instantly, but with daily use your feet will become softer and smoother.

Foot Brush

Foot brushes are actually made mainly to clean your feet, but as I have discovered, they are actually fantastic for exfoliating your feet too.

Directions for use: Use the brush as if you were trying to scrub them clean and voila!

Sea Sand

You may think I'm lying, but I'm not. Sand is the cheapest, most effective and downright wonderful exfoliant in the world! And what's even better is all you have to do is take a trip to the beach, go for a little walk or lie down and rub your feet around. How amazing is this nature!

Massage and Moisture

This step in your foot care routine can and should be done daily! And to make it even more fabulous, why not get your partner or best friend to do it for you as there's nothing better than a foot massage. Massage is wonderful for your feet as it helps with your circulation, giving your skin a little extra life, not to mention it's soothing abilities for those aches and pains. As for moisturising, I'm sure you have all gathered by now how much I believe in this step, especially for your feet as they by far suffer the most from our everyday endeavours.


When it comes to massage, sometimes we can go in blind and have no idea really what we are doing, but don't worry, it's not hard. Now I will give you a little tutorial on foot massage. Good luck and ENJOY!

Step One
Step 1: First, apply a moderate amount of cream or oil to your hands. This makes massage easier and enhances comfort throughout the massage. Make sure before hand however, that your hands are warm, this will not only make oils easier to work with but it will add comfort to the recipient.
Step Two

Step 2: Begin by stroking the top of the foot moving in the direction of your toes to ankle. Then, continue by stroking the sole of your foot, first more gently and slowly increasing pressure.

Step Three
Step 3: Make circular motions with your thumb and fingers over the sole of the foot, and use more pressure in areas such as the heel and ball of the foot. Start at the top and work your way down remembering not to neglect the sides of your feet.

Step Four

Step 4: Hold your foot with one hand, using the other to rotate your foot, first at the ankle, then near the ball of your foot. Be gentle and repeat at least five times in each direction.

Step Five
Step 5: Knead the sole of your foot by holding it with one hand and creating a fist with the other, using moderate pressure on the sole, giving enough attention to the arch.
Step Six

 Step 6: Begin with your big toe and moving towards your little toe, take each toe individually. Roll the toe between your thumb and forefinger as you slide your fingers down the toe to the end, applying gentle pressure. Gently squeeze the end of each toe.

Step Seven
Step 7: Take your index finger and slide it between each toe about five times. To complete the massage, use your thumb and fingers to make circular motions once again over the sole of your foot. End by stroking your sole and instep.

Step Eight

 Step 8: Finally, wipe off any excess cream or oil with a soft, warm towel. Slip into thick socks to hold in the moisture, or even a pair of comfy slippers and you're done!


I wont say much about moisturising because you've heard it so many times, but combining this with a foot massage means you kill two birds with one stone and it just feels good. Personally, I like to use oils rather than creams on my feet because I find they give a longer lasting moisture boost, but if you do prefer creams, you can use any of the hand cream recipes above.

Peppermint Foot Moisturising Oil
  • 1 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 5 drops 100% Pure Peppermint Essential Oil
Simply mix the two ingredients together and store in a sanitised glass bottle which has a tight seal, and store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Directions for use: Apply a small amount to your hands and rub in circular motion over feet or give yourself a foot massage.

Lavender and Vitamin E Moisturising Oil
  • 1 tbs Vitamin E Oil
  • 5 drops 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil
Mixing and applying is the same as the Peppermint Foot Moisturising Oil.


My, oh my. Nails. What can I say. They can be cracked, chipped, yellow, bruised, bitten, stained, have zinc spots or even fungal infections, and all we think is manicure, pedicure, paint, file and cut. But what else can we do to strengthen them and make them sparkle naturally? We have learnt how to take care of our hands and feet, but what we fail to neglect sometimes are those twenty little nails that hang off them, and they are so important. Now, for your nail care lesson.


Nail health starts from within. Like I said above, sometimes you can get white speckles on your nails. This is an indication that your body is lacking zinc and you may benefit from taking a zinc supplement. But zinc is not the only thing that can cause your nails health to diminish. As your nails are a form of bone, Calcium is also a fantastic supplement to take if your nails seem weak and lifeless.

Recommended Supplements for Healthy Nails:
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin E
  • Fish Oil
  • Folic Acid
  • Iodine
  • Silica
I would just like to add that taking Supplements is not necessarily the best way to get these much needed Vitamins into your body, and no one likes to swallow mouthful after mouthful of pills. In the end, the best ways to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals is a healthy diet filled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats and fish.


There are many different forms of nail strengtheners which all help your thin, brittle nails become thick and amazing, but most contain nasty chemicals which means you will constantly have to apply the strengthener because it's the only thing that will make your nails appear shiny. These strengtheners are mainly in the form of nail polishes, so after removal, your nails appear dull and yuck. But don't worry, there is still hope.

Lemon Nail Bath
  • 2 Lemons
  • 1 Vitamin E Capsule
Juice the two lemons into a small bowl and prick the capsule to release the oils into the bowl. Then stir slightly to mix the ingredients. Dispose of after use.

Directions for use: Simply soak your nails in this mixture for five minutes once a week and you should notice a difference in the health of your nails.

Egg White Nail Bath
  • 2 Eggs
Separate your egg whites from the yolk and dispose of the yolk and shell, leaving your whites in a small bowl. Dispose of after use.

Directions for use: Do not mix this nail bath, simply soak your nails in the egg whites for five to ten minutes, rinse your hands thoroughly in warm, soapy water and you're done. Side note: This nail bath is like a super strength boost for your nails and I highly recommend it.

Cutting and Filing

Cutting and filing your nails is obviously important. If we didn't cut them they would become extremely long and without filing after cutting they would have sharp edges and you'd continuously be cutting and scratching yourself. You may think this is silly, but here is a short tutorial on properly cutting and filing your nails.

Step One
Step 1: Wet your nails before you cut them, as this softens your nails and makes them easier to cut. This will also avoid splitting your nails. This step is especially important for toenails, because they're usually quite tough.
Step Two

Step 2: Cut your nails straight across until they no longer extend over your finger or toe, so that they don't show any white. It will grow back much stronger than before.

Step Three
Step 3: Wait for a little while until your nails are dry and are no longer soft. Filing wet nails can make them jagged, and may also cause your nails to split and crack.

Step Four
Step 4:  Use a nail file to make sure the edges of the nail are smooth. Jagged nails can catch on clothes and can potentially cause nails to tear or break. Your nails should be slightly triangle or oval and not pointed. This will prevent them from breaking. When filing, file gently in one long stroke, from the side to the centre of the nail. Nails can weaken if you file too low into the corners and sides.

Step 5: Look your nails over to ensure that your nails are all the same length and shape, and also that they're smooth and not jagged or pointy. Keep clipping and filing until they all look the same and are smooth. Once they are, you're done!

Nail Colour

Okay, nail polish. We all like it from time to time and that is fine, but dark colours can stain your nails which is not ideal if you want them looking healthy. I have one simple step. Use a clear undercoat before your apply your colour! And that's it. Apply any colours you want and when your have removed it, your nails wont still have a coloured tinge.

That is it for a hands, feet and nails care routine. I hope it has been as helpful to you as it has for me. Remember that I make many of my own skin care products that you can find at and for more enquiries contact me at Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to actually write it.

Have a Happy Skin Health Day!

The Sixth Scent.